The corona virus (COVID-19) situation is evolving rapidly and could be challenging. There are many cleaning companies being established claiming they have supplies that can kill this virus. Unfortunately, some are taking advantage of this opportunity with out the proper training or experience. Exposing their employees and clients by not providing the proper gear, training or supplies.
Questions we should be asking our maid services and house cleaners:
- How long have you been in business? Where is your office located?
- Has your maid service maintained their employees informed with trusted health resources such as the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, and the local health authorities and trained with the new guidelines?
- Are their vehicles equipped with sanitizing hand-wipes and spray sanitizer for hard surfaces?
- Have the employees recently traveled to any of the affected countries/cities or have been exposed to someone sick with COVID-19.?
- Are they asking employees to stay home if they are not feeling well? Do they pay sick days?
- Do the teams meet at the office each morning and do they check with every team member to make sure they are well and send them home if they are not?
- Do they ask their clients to cancel an appointment because someone is sick in the client’s household?
When Cleaning Each Home:
- Are they using ,face masks,gloves and shoe covers and disposing of them in the trash at each property?
- How are they sanitizing the cleaning rags used to clean your home?
- Are they sanitizing and disinfecting their equipment?
- Will they disinfect frequently touched objects with HOSPITAL GRADE SUPPLIES?
- Is trash collected disposed in each home?
- Is a new vacuum bag per home, so nothing is tracked between properties and sanitizing their equipment? Are they using HEPA vacuum bags? A true HEPA filter can trap 99.97 percent of all airborne particles larger than 0.3 microns.
- Are they using cleaning agents that are approved by the EPA for use during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak that are effective to sanitize and disinfect all surfaces?
We at Maid Solution encourage our clients to use best practices to reduce the chance of spreading infection including: • Frequently wash hands with soap and water. • Carry a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol and use it frequently. • Keep hands away from mouth, nose, and eyes – which is how most people get the virus. • Cover mouth and nose with the inside of your elbow when coughing or sneezing. We ask that if any client has a household member who is exhibiting flu like symptoms to please notify our office so we can reschedule cleanings until they are well. There will be no cancellation fees for illness related cancellations. Maid Solution is actively monitoring these fast-moving developments and will do whatever is necessary to protect our clients and team members. We are also practicing for now social distancing with our clients that are working from home. Some of our clients stay in the basement until we are done in the other levels and then they move to a different level. Other clients have been going out for walks while we service their home and many other outdoor fun and safe activities. All these changes have been implemented so we can all be safe and continue providing the essential service of sanitizing and disinfecting homes in a responsible way.
Maid Solution Serving Alexandria Virginia 22315 since 1993